New Assignor Registration/Renewal Policy (Comments Closed)
We are seeking comments regarding a draft policy for assignors to register and...
Cal-North Referees Selected for Youth National Championships
Five of our referees were selected for the US Youth National Championship Series...
Referee Crews Recognized at 2016 Amateur State Cup Championships
Congratulations to the dozens of referees that worked Memorial Day weekend at the...
Bob Evans, Former FIFA Referee, Passes Away
We are sad to report that Bob Evans, former FIFA Referee and U.S....
Deleana Quan Added to Women’s FIFA Assistant Referee List
On January 1, FIFA announced that Cal-North female referee Deleana Quan was added...
Veronica Perez Announces Retirement
California North’s International Assistant Referee Veronica Perez announced that after 19 years of...
CNRA Referees Selected for USYSA Nationals
CNRA Referees Selected for USYSA Nationals Pictured above: (left to right) Malik Badawi, Nicholas...
Referees Return from 2015 Presidents Cup
CNRA, in cooperation with CYSA – Cal North sponsored and selected 13 California-North...
Farhad Mansourian Appointed as new CNRA State Director of Referee Development
CNRA PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 6/2/2015 Farhad Mansourian Appointed as new CNRA State Director of...
CNRA Administration Structure Change: Regional Referee Administrators
To: All California-North Referees, Referee Administrators and Soccer Leagues/Clubs/Associations: California North Referee Administration...