Defining Soccer Referee Abuse and Assault, Where to Report It
An educational resource on referee abuse and assault, and where to report it...
Request an Assessment for Maintenance or Upgrade
US Soccer Assessments are a formal observation and recording of a referee’s performance...
Make the Call: Coach Orders Injury Against Opponent
Make the call! What would you do when a coach orders a substitute...
New Assignor Registration/Renewal Policy (Comments Closed)
We are seeking comments regarding a draft policy for assignors to register and...
Cal-North Referees Selected for Youth National Championships
Five of our referees were selected for the US Youth National Championship Series...
Referee Crews Recognized at 2016 Amateur State Cup Championships
Congratulations to the dozens of referees that worked Memorial Day weekend at the...
CNRA Mileage & Per Diem Fees
The CNRA Referee Development team approved a new fee structure for compensating mileage...
Concussion Protocol Resources by US Soccer, CYSA, and NPL
A number of concussion resources have been published by US Soccer, California Youth...
Bob Evans, Former FIFA Referee, Passes Away
We are sad to report that Bob Evans, former FIFA Referee and U.S....
Deleana Quan Added to Women’s FIFA Assistant Referee List
On January 1, FIFA announced that Cal-North female referee Deleana Quan was added...