2015 Easy Express Lane Registration Instructions
2015 Express Lane Registration Instructions: Enter the CNRA Registration System at Login to...
National Assessor Policy
National Assessor Policy Effective 8/1/14 This policy is for National Assessors doing CNRA...
CNRA Administration Structure Change: Regional Referee Administrators
To: All California-North Referees, Referee Administrators and Soccer Leagues/Clubs/Associations: California North Referee Administration...
- Adds Online Training Feature on Site
CNRA in the past year has been presenting events and producing its own...
New Feature: USSF Substitution Passes
CNRA has created and customized the USSF Substitution Pass to be used...
New Feature: CNRA Referee Game Log
CNRA has created a Referee Game Log booklet for referees to print and...
CNRA En Espanol
CNRA valora la participación y las contribuciones que los árbitros principales de habla...
Foul Recognition: Foul & The Gray Area
On November 10, at the first CNRA Referee Academy state meet, Farhad Mansourian...
Role of the Assignor
Assignors are required to possess the ability "to assign referees confidently and accurately...
Information for New Referees
A newly updated document is being distributed by the U.S. Soccer National Referee...