APRIL 11th, 2015: State Referee Academy – Sacramento
APRIL 2015 STATE REFEREE ACADEMY (Hosted by NORTH REGION) Original March 28th Date postponed...
CNRA Adds Calendar Feature to the website
CALENDARS CNRA Provides A Resource of Calendars to Assist Referees...
2015 Easy Express Lane Registration Instructions
2015 Express Lane Registration Instructions: Enter the CNRA Registration System at cnra.gameofficials.net Login to...
National Assessor Policy
National Assessor Policy Effective 8/1/14 This policy is for National Assessors doing CNRA...
CNRA Administration Structure Change: Regional Referee Administrators
To: All California-North Referees, Referee Administrators and Soccer Leagues/Clubs/Associations: California North Referee Administration...
www.cnra.net Adds Online Training Feature on Site
CNRA in the past year has been presenting events and producing its own...
New Feature: USSF Substitution Passes
CNRA has created and customized the USSF Substitution Pass to be used...
New Feature: CNRA Referee Game Log
CNRA has created a Referee Game Log booklet for referees to print and...
CNRA En Espanol
CNRA valora la participación y las contribuciones que los árbitros principales de habla...
Foul Recognition: Foul & The Gray Area
On November 10, at the first CNRA Referee Academy state meet, Farhad Mansourian...