Host an Entry-Level Referee Course for your Club/League

If you are an organization such as a league, club, local referee association, tournament, assignor, referee coordinator, etc., seeking to sponsor an Entry Level Referee Course, please fill out the form below.

NOTE: the minimum to host a course is 10 participants and the maximum is 40 participants.

Course Request Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Your request will be automatically directed to the CNRA Entry-Level Referee Program Coordinator for review and approval. Courses will not be approved until payment has been received and confirmed.

To request a In-Service Clinic (currently registered referees) or Futsal Clinic, please email [email protected].


How do students pay for the course?

Students will submit payment for the Entry-Level Referee Course while registering in the U.S. Soccer Learning Center.  If a background check is needed that will be included in the registration fee.  

How much can sponsors charge participants? 

Sponsors must assume all responsibility for the cost of any fees for the facilities and payment to CNRA for the Course. CNRA limits sponsors to only charge participants up to $30.00 each to cover any of these costs.  This would be in addition to the $75 registration fee and a $30 background check if 18 or older.

Can courses be limited to a specific group?

Yes, the host must request for the course to be hidden and not public when submitting a course request.  The registration link will be given to the host who can distribute it.

Can a course have a specific limit on the number of participants?

Yes, that must be communicated with the entry level program coordinator.

What happens if a student doesn’t complete the course?

Students must complete the entire course online, then attend the field session to complete registration. Any student missing any part of the online course will not be allowed to attend the field session and can be transferred to a future field session. CNRA registration fee will be automatically transferred to the new course with the new field session and no coursework will be lost.  

Do students need to complete the quiz before the field session?

Yes. Even though there are questions that pertain to the field session or games, they MUST complete the quiz

When will students receive their badge?

Students will receive it after they have completed the field session.

When can students start refereeing games?

They can start refereeing games as soon as they finish the field session.